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Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024

August 10 - 18, 2024

Get ready for an incredible event - the Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024, part of the Congrès Mondial Acadien - World Acadian Congress!

The Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024, Congrès Mondial Acadien - World Acadian Congress brings together Acadians from all corners of the globe to gather in Clare, Nova Scotia. It will be a time to catch up with family, honour our Acadian roots, and make unforgettable memories that will stay with you forever.

Clare | Argyle | Nova Scotia | Canada

About Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024

Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024 is a gathering of the Thibodeau family from all around the world. It is our opportunity to come together, reconnect with relatives, and celebrate our shared heritage.


Activities and Events

We have planned a variety of activities and events for all ages and interests. From family games and sports to cultural performances and workshops, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Message from the President / Message du president:

Welcome to the Thibodeau website! I invite you to browse and see what is in store for Thibodeaus in 2024. We plan a week of learning, searching, genealogy, making friends and having fun.

We are located in the southwestern tip of Nova Scotia. One of the largest areas of French Acadians in Nova Scotia. Mostly settled by the coast from Digby through Yarmouth around to Shelburne, deeply dependent on the fishing industry.

I hope you join us in celebrating being an Acadian and experiencing the welcoming arms of the people of southwest Nova. Try our traditional cuisine, experience our culture and explore our beautiful coastlines. Plan on having fun, making lasting friendships and creating lasting memories of the Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024.



Bienvenue a la site web Thibodeau ! Je vous invite a regarder a notre site pour trouver les plannifications pour la semaine du Congres Mondiale pour la famille Thibodeau. Venez lire, ecouter, recherché la conection avec vos cousin et cousinnes lointaine. Rencontrer des nouveau amis et laisser le bon temps rouler.

Nous sommes situer au sudouest de la province de la  Nouvelle Ecosse. La plus grande region d’acdiens francais de la province.

Venez experiencer la culture acadienne, notre cuisine traditional et les chalereux acadien et acadiennes dans notre petit paradis.


C’est le temps d’avoir du fun, rencotrer des nouveau amis et creer des precieuse memoires de la renconte des Thibodeau 2024.

Your Cousin / Votre cousin,



How You Can Participate

There are many ways to participate in the Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024. You can attend the reunion, volunteer to help with the planning and organization, or contribute financially to support the event.


Activities Planned


Days of Fun and Festivities


Beautiful Location's


Read our Blog

Forge Bonds with Fellow Acadians and Explore Acadian History through our Informative Blog.

Meet the Team

The Thibodeau Family Reunion 2024 is organized by a dedicated team of volunteers, committed to making this event a success.


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